Individuals with ADHD may have trouble concentrating, staying organized, and have difficulty staying still. While ADHD can affect both children and adults these symptoms can often have negative impacts on school, home-life, and relationships. If you are a parent of a child who is experiencing symptoms of ADHD these videos can help show what treatment at CARE looks like as clinicians work on processing emotions, and negative behavioral problems, as well as ways to better understand and guide your child’s behavior. If you are an adult with ADHD these videos can be helpful to watch as clinicians explore symptom management and help teach ways to deal with your symptoms. If you are a counseling professional these intervention videos would be helpful to watch if you are working with a client with ADHD the videos will help guide on how to teach social skills, how to incorporate family members into the sessions, and ways to encourage positive behavioral changes.
Counselors need to take a different approach to interventions that they use when working with children and adolescents as techniques that may work for adults may not be as successful for children...
Family Interventions can be a useful tool to address family conflict and improve overall communication and interactions with other members...
For counselors it is imperative that they are knowledgeable on effective skills, and techniques to use when working with individual clients...
Family Interventions can be a useful tool to address family conflict and improve overall communication and interactions with other members...