The CARE Counseling Team has actively implemented best in class solutions over the course of several years.

Our processes and trainings are something we are excited to share with the Mental Health Community.

Available Products

Teens & Mental Health Virtual Info Session

During National Mental Health Awareness Week, CARE Counseling has partnered with Newport Healthcare to raise awareness around adolescent mental health.

Depression Intervention Videos

Depression can affect the way one thinks, feels, and behaves. Depression is one of the most frequently diagnosed mental health disorders...

Anxiety Intervention Videos

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time but when anxiety makes one have intense feelings of nervousness, worry or stress on a frequent basis it could be an indication of something more serious occurring...

Relationship Issues Intervention Videos

Connections are an important part of human existence, how we relate too and connect with others helps us to grow and develop. Maintaining those connections with others can be difficult, as relationships require constant care...

Eating Disorder Intervention Videos

Eating disorders can be caused by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors, and while anyone can experience an eating disorder the sooner that it is detected and treated the higher chance there is for recovery...

Trauma Intervention Videos

Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event that has happened. Your experience with that event determines whether it is traumatic or not...

Borderline Personality Disorder Intervention Videos

A personality disorder is a mental disorder where you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning, and behaving. Someone with a personality disorder may have difficulty relating to situations...

Play Therapy Intervention Videos

Children may experience difficulties when trying to express what is bothering them, one way to work with children and help them learn to work out issues that are bothering them is using play therapy...

Grief and Loss Intervention Videos

Someone experiencing grief often needs the help and support of others to help them understand and process their feelings of grief. It’s important to recognize that everyone grieves differently and it’s okay...

Anger Management Intervention Videos

Anger is a normal emotion, that can be used in a positive way to express negative feelings, however when there is amounts of excessive anger this can create problems, as that anger is used to express feelings in a negative way...

Chemical Dependency Intervention Videos

Addiction is a very complex mental health concern that can affect one’s life in a variety of ways. While anyone can develop an addiction, no one plans to become addicted...

ADD Intervention Videos

Individuals with ADHD may have trouble concentrating, staying organized, and have difficulty staying still. While ADHD can affect both children and adults these symptoms can often have negative impacts on school, home-life, and relationships...

Autism Intervention Videos

Autism is characterized by some degree of impaired social behavior and communication and is typically diagnosed in childhood that continues to persist into adulthood...

Divorce Intervention Videos

The decision to end a relationship can be filled with many mixed emotions, and it is important to take time to understand the way that you are feeling and to process those emotions in a healthy way...

Domestic Abuse Intervention Videos

Anyone can be in an abusive relationship or the victim of abuse, however no one ever deserves to be abused. While domestic violence can take on many different forms, abuse is not love...

LGBTQIA+ Intervention Videos

People in the LGBTQ+ community face mental health concerns at higher rates due to the prejudice, discrimination, and stigma that these individuals are often faced with...

Sports Psychology Intervention Videos

Athlete’s at every level are susceptible to struggles with mental health issues whether that be feeling pressure to preform at a certain level, athletic injury and rehabilitation, to even athletic burnout...

Health & Sleep Intervention Videos

Physical and mental health go hand in hand. If you feel that you are struggling with your physical health, it is likely that your mental health is being affected as well...

Book Reviews

Books provide the opportunity to expand our mindsets and allow for continued growth, exploration, and discovery...

Medical Conditions and Mental Health

Mental Health and medical conditions are often closely related to one another as someone who is experiencing one often experiences the other as well....

Type One Diabetes

Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes are often at a heightened risk for experiencing mental health disorders...

Meditation Intervention Videos

Meditation is the process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts...

Clinician Resources : Eating Disorders

These intervention videos can be helpful to demonstrate treatment when working with an eating disorder client ...

Session Planning | Counseling Intervention Videos

The team at CARE has been pulling together the resources and strategies for ongoing telehealth sessions as well as resources for some of our most frequent client populations. 

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